Get Involved

Get involved in the community, learn new skills, and make television!

NEAT is always looking for volunteers to help tape local events and meetings, we’ll show you how!

If you’re interested in being involved with local PEG Access television, learning how to produce, edit, and air digital video, contact NEAT by phone (802-453-8562), or by e-mail

Production Training / Equipment Use

NEAT offers production training in basic use of digital video production equipment. This is available to all community members, and includes individual training, workshops, summer movie camps and internships. You can request training by contacting NEAT by telephone or email.

Use of equipment is available for community members only. Equipment is limited and usage depends on availability. Use of equipment for commercial purposes is prohibited.

In order to sign out equipment, users must sign an Equipment Use form, agreeing to comply with NEAT’s policies and regulations.

Users under 18 years of age must have a parent or guardian sign such form.

If any equipment checked out to the borrower is lost, stolen, or damaged due to negligence, the borrower agrees to reimburse NEAT for repairs or replacement of that piece of equipment.